If you are fairly new to the low-sodium journey or are working to get back on track, you probably are counting sodium in all of your meals to be sure you are within the target range.
You are reading labels, taking into account serving size, and checking restaurant nutrition information. You even remembered to build in snacks and an occasional dessert treat. Good job! So, how can you still be over your sodium allotment? Here are some easy-to-overlook areas:
- Extras and sauces…that barbecue sauce you got for dipping, the ketchup you added to your sandwich, the crackers that came with your chili, the dressing for your salad…be sure you count everything!
- Free starters: Many restaurants bring chips and salsa, rolls, biscuits, etc. You may have carefully planned what you were going to order but missed this. (Note: It's much easier to think about chips as being salty than it is to realize biscuits will also add to your sodium count, so beware hidden sodium.)
- Drinks: Finally, consider everything you drink, including refills. Drinks can add a surprising amount of sodium to your meal total.
These are some areas that even the strictest counter can easily miss, but in time, this can become second nature to you. Keep at it. You are doing great!
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