Rafael Silva posted: "Easily Add Apply Driver Package Step to SCCM Task Sequence https://ift.tt/3t887Ob In this post you will learn how to add Apply Driver Package Step to SCCM Task Sequence. When you performing installation of clean operating system, It's imp"
In this post you will learn how to add Apply Driver Package Step to SCCM Task Sequence. When you performing installation of clean operating system, It's important to add the device drivers. It helps the computer to connect with the hardware device like keyboard, mouse, monitor and etc. Device drivers can be used when you install the full OS on the destination computer and when you use Windows PE in a boot image.
Do you know what is drivers, and why do you need to install drivers? Refer to the following postWhat are Drivers,and Why do we need Drivers?If you want to start from scratch and explore more about the Driver Creation process using SCCM, Let's exploreSCCM Driver Import Driver Package Creation Process Guide. This post will be helpful to streamline lots of SCCM admins during OSD/Task Sequence/Image creation activities.
Once you done with Driver Package creation process, The next step is to Integrate Driver package into Task Sequence. Let's check the below post to know more about Intergration process and available useful options in Apply Drivers Package Step.
How to Add Apply Driver Package Step to SCCM Task Sequence
The following steps show you how to include the driver package that you have created in your task sequence –
In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Software Library workspace, expand Operating Systems, and then select the Task Sequences node.
In the Task Sequence list, select the task sequence that you want to edit. Select Edit to modify.
Add Apply Driver Package Step to SCCM Task Sequence
To add this step in the task sequence editor, select Add, select Drivers, and select Apply Driver Package.
Important – Ensure that you place this step after Apply Operating System.
On the Properties tab for Apply Driver Packagestep, You can configure the following settings –
Driver package
Install driver package via running DISM with recurse option
Select the mass storage driver within the package that needs to be installed before setup on pre-Windows Vista operating systems
Do unattended installation of unsigned drivers on version of Windows where this is allowed
I recommended you to Create the proper folder structure and step inside your task sequence for better SCCM driver management.
Add Apply Driver Package Step to SCCM Task Sequence
Driver package
Specify the driver package that contains the needed device drivers. Select Browse to launch the Select a Package dialog box. Select an existing driver package to apply. The bottom of the dialog box displays the associated package properties.
Install driver package via running DISM with recurse option – Select this option to add the /recurse parameter to the DISM command line when Windows applies the driver package.
Select the mass storage driver within the package that needs to be installed before setup on pre-Windows Vista operating systems
Specify any mass storage drivers needed to install a classic OS.
Driver : Select the mass storage driver file to install before setup of a classic OS. The drop-down list populates from the specified package.
Model : Specify the boot-critical device that is needed for pre-Windows Vista OS deployments.
Do unattended installation of unsigned drivers on version of Windows where this is allowed – This option allows Windows to install drivers without a digital signature.
Options for Apply Driver Package
On the Apply Driver Package step, Options tab. Here you can configure the additional settings of this task sequence step –
Continue on error – When you select Continue on error on the Options tab of this step, the task sequence continues when driver package fails to apply. When you don't enable this option, the task sequence fails and will not execute the remaining steps.
Add Condition – Query WMI
This step is most important for apply driver package step, It allows you installed the driver package for particular hardware models.
Select Add a condition > Query WMI from the drop-down menu to create a query to target this driver package to only the model it is intended.
Add Apply Driver Package Step to SCCM Task Sequence
In the query window, type select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where Model like 'Latitude 5410%'. The query now appears, You can use the Test query button to verify the query. It returns 1 if your ConfigMgr Console is installed on the model being queried or else 0. Click OK.
Add Apply Driver Package Step to SCCM Task Sequence
Click OK in the Task Sequence Editor window to save the changes to your task sequence.
Your task sequence is now configured to apply the Dell Latitude 5410 driver package to only Dell Latitude 5410 systems. If you have more platforms to support, create additional driver packages for them in the same manner.
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