Caryn posted: " Spent another couple hours out at the lake. I spotted a different variety of grass by the edge and selected a few long strands near the mowed part to see how they behaved when woven. My weaving skills are still very rudimentary, however I'm learning so m"
Spent another couple hours out at the lake. I spotted a different variety of grass by the edge and selected a few long strands near the mowed part to see how they behaved when woven. My weaving skills are still very rudimentary, however I'm learning so much about construction in experimentation. The basket started off as I've seen in pictures for twined baskets, but then when I started up the sides my spacing narrowed into more of a rough vase than a basket. (I will say that it was laid down many times for the baiting of the youngest's hook.) I made fair progress and decided to continue the study at home.
Experimental weaving with lake grass
Since the weaving wanted to narrow, I went with it, changing the uprights to weavers, thus narrowing the number of uprights. When I was down to five uprights, I braided them to end the sculpture. (We are going to call it a sculpture since I tucked all the ends inside and it is non-functional as a vessel.) I also don't speak basket, so my terminology leans to descriptive. (Even when I know the proper terms, though, they don't always surface appropriately, so there we go.)
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