I had my 51st birthday yesterday and I embraced it. I am 306 days into no alcohol and 286 days with no caffeine. Essentially leading an authentic life without the ups and downs of two of the most widely used and misused psychoactive substances on planet earth. Both used to counteract their own and each others next day negative effects. I had a party, a dance floor and lots of friends and family, being sober did not diminish the experience at all, in many ways it enhanced it. We all had a really good laugh and a dance 🕺 with the disco ball lights on the dance floor. I played songs that reminded me of my whole life, song's my older brother played when I was little to school songs and onwards!

I feel so at peace with myself it's unreal really. I have lost weight, I am super fit from the walk, run or cycle everyday mantra and svelte. Blood tests confirm a healthy heart, liver, good blood pressure and normal cholesterol. I think it's so important to keep a healthy body and mind especially at 51. They are both intrinsically linked, you can't eat and drink shit and expect to run it off. I need sleep, rest and good food to exercise with and to enable a good recovery. Last night I went to bed at 3:00 but still managed. 7:00 am up and a good dog walk. Porridge with a little awkward set honey on top for a healthy breakfast. I do try now to feed my gut as much fibre as I can and a good mix of whole foods, my digestion is also like clockwork! Haha.

This present made me laugh x

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