Keeping it simple, here is #5 from Dodie Dennis in her new series "Herd it Through the Grapevine" with useful tips, hints and tidbits of information for everyday living. Enjoy!

Cleaning Your Shower Using A Dishwasher Tablet

Let's face it, cleaning the bathroom is a thankless task that seems almost impossible to get done properly. It takes a ton of elbow grease to get the shower spotless. And even after what seems like hours of scrubbing, it can still look a bit dirty.

There's an easy solution to this..dishwasher tablets! Take a sponge, cut out a small hole, and insert a dishwasher tablet. Now when you go to clean your shower doors, instead of endless scrubbing, just rub this sponge over the door and wash away. It's that easy. It even works on shower curtains, the tub, and faucets!

Dish Soap Used In The Toilet

With endless products claiming they can make your toilet look brand new, it can be hard to sift through them all and figure out which one to buy.

Rather than spending money and time wasted, there's something in your house already that you can use. And it's not what you might think.

Dish soap is the answer you've been looking for. And it couldn't be any more simple to use. Take 1/4 cup of dish soap + 1/4 cup of baking soda + 1/4 cup of water. Mix them together, then pour them into the toilet. Stir the solution, then let it sit overnight.

The next morning, do a light scrub and your toilet will look brand new!

You can also use dish soap to unclog a toilet without a plunger. Simply put 1 cup of soap into your toilet, let it sit for 30 mins. Then take hot water and pour it into the bowl. The clog will be gone.


A Special Message From Dodie Dennis (Retired RN)

With 40 years experience as a licensed Registered Nurse on a cruise line, a Colorado ski resort, and in Phoenix, AZ, I did everything from Operating Room to Immunology to all levels of Newborn care.

Among my favorite jobs was teaching childbirth and nutrition classes. For the most part, I believe whole foods trump supplements. And eating a nutritious diet loaded with veggies, grass-fed meat, and plenty of good fats is the starting point. You certainly cannot supplement your way out of poor dietary choices. However, even with the best diet, there may be a few gaps that we might want to fill to "supplement" a solid diet.

For example, Omega-3 fatty acids are vitally important to our health. Our Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio should be 1:1 or 1:2. Sadly, the average person's is more like 1:20. Not only are we not getting enough Omega-3 from sources like grass-fed meats and fish/seafood, we're also over consuming Omega 6 (e.g. vegetable oils, excessive nut consumption) – a double whammy.

Personally, Jack and I don't eat enough fish to get adequate Omega-3 due to concerns about toxins, mercury, etc. That's why we welcome a new sponsor to "supplement" with Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO).

Welcome Green Pasture Products to CleverJourneys

I use the word "supplement" loosely here, since FCLO is really a whole food. Not only that, but it's also a traditional food with a long history of use. Quite the opposite of highly processed fish oils.

Green Pasture's website

Fermented Cod Liver Oil is simply cod livers fermented naturally to extract the oils. The cold-processing method maintains all the fat soluble vitamins. Most fish oils on the market are heat processed. What's worse is that they're then bleached and deodorized, and since most of the vitamins have been removed or destroyed, synthetic vitamins are added back in.

FCLO contains more than Omega 3s. It's also a great source of Vitamin A and Vitamin D, and contains small amounts of Vitamin K2, Vitamin E, and various other quinones.

If you want to try out the amazing benefits of Fermented Cod Liver Oil, or maybe your current supply is running low, we highly recommend Green Pasture.

Green Pasture's website
Green Pasture's website

They are the only company to supply naturally fermented cod liver oil that we are aware of (and the one recommended most highly by the Weston Price Foundation).

Check out Green Pasture's website now and tell them CleverJourneys sent you.

In addition to Fermented Cod Liver oil, Green Pasture also sells other products like high vitamin butter oil, coconut oil, and coconut ghee.

Green Pasture's website

Jack likes Green Pasture because they are an American business that share the same patriotic values we do.

Check them out today! God Bless.

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